
A passionate being, connected to the Earth and inspired by the potential of peace on Earth.

Each day I endeavour towards becoming more myself, by learning to let go of limiting beliefs and faults forms.  I strive to embody honesty, humility, humour, positivity, patience, presence, peacefulness, mindfulness, joy, gratitude, kindness, courage, compassion, composition and balance.   Although I also strive to accept myself during those times when I am not in my hieghst potential.

For fun I create, build, explore and enhance.  Creating ecologically community systems and structures, Building a better home and living environment for myself and others, Exploring the inner and outer worlds of my personal and collective reality,  and Enhancing my own character, physical form, knowledge base and personal expression.

Suffering the loss of many loved ones in my life has challenged me to let go of what I can not control and taught me that caring for myself comes first.   Equally, I believe that caring for myself also means caring for our environment and other beings who also inhabit this world.  The path of learning continues with each new day and in each new breath, and I endeavour to remain a compassionate student of life in search of personal mastery through mindfulness, meditation, wellness and the practice of Mind, Matter & Magical Love.